Electrical Testing

To ensure peak efficiency as well as reliability, safe operation and compliance with all the major accrediting bodies overseeing electrical works, your electrical systems should be tested on a regular and ongoing basis.

We can test and perform remedial work on all systems, including those that we haven’t designed or installed. If you’re having trouble with your existing system, we can evaluate its safety, and perform works to ensure your system is safe and functional.

Who We
Work With

Sectors we specialise in

Electrical Testing for

Electrical Testing for

Electrical Testing for

Electrical Testing for

Electrical Testing for
& leisure

Electrical Testing for

Electrical Testing for

Additionally, we test: Fixed Wiring  / Portable Appliance (PAT) / Emergency Lighting / Fire Alarms

Electrical Testing And Inspection

Electrical Repair Services

Even the best maintained system will occasionally require an inspection and remedial work, and unmaintained systems are likely to require extensive remedial work. Over time, systems can become less efficient, components under particularly high stress can fail and systems can become unsafe.

EESI can inspect your existing system and perform repair work to recover functionality, improve reliability, pass safety tests to meet accreditation or insurance criteria, or to improve efficiency.

CCTV installation for commercial premises

There are many advantages to installing CCTV systems on a commercial premises; especially now as September draws to a close…

Why Do Electrical Maintenance?

In many respects, this is a rhetorical question, but over 25 years’ experience in putting ‘all things electrical’ right tells us it’s still a question worth answering…
